Angela Mitchell - Mixed Media Artist

Living in South Lakes I have a passion for pattern, and colour and am inspired by journeys I have made, my allotment and by the wonderful area in which I live; its flora and fauna and the ever changing landscape.

My linoprints are individual pieces of work, each plate inked as though in a painting, blending colours as I work.

I am at my happiest when I am sitting with my sketchbook surrounded by nature whether it be my allotment, on the fells or on a rocky headland, where I can take in the fragility of the natural world.

Sketching is a very important element of my practice , often making sketchbooks for particular places and expeditions

I exhibit in various galleries around the county and South Lakes, and with The Lakes Artists Society and Cumbria Printmakers both of which I am a member . More of my work can be seen on my website also on my instagram page thelaalstudiogallery .

Angel Mitchell - Mixed Media Artist

Ang’ies Work (click to enlarge)


Mike Rigby – Sculptor


Fiona Robertson -Textile Artist