Natalie Burns

Natalie spent most of her working life in education with both children and adults. Art was always a part of her teaching but now as a full-time artist she is free to experiment and develop her own art practise.
Not content with one particular style, Natalie has a range of work that is inspired by the environment she loves to explore. With acrylic paint, she depicts  the light as it penetrates the forests she used to run through as an orienteer. With Derwent inktense paint pans she paints the local buildings, streetscapes, that has earned her the nickname, #womanwhopaintswhitehaven.

Six of her paintings feature on the new history display boards on the streets of Whitehaven, though she is now casting her architectural net further afield.

Her recent features in Cumbria Life Magazine and on BBC WORLD News have brought many commissions with work going to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and across Europe as well as all parts of the UK.

Natalie Burns profile

Natalie’s Work


Carolyn Marr


Laura Brownsteele